>>> On 11/6/2007 at 5:59 PM, in message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Bernard Li"
> Guys:
> I have now successfully built Ganglia snapshot RPMs based on trunk
> (3.1.0) on CentOS 4.
> Got a quick question about multicpu.conf -- by default, this is
> installed with the RPM and enabled, should it be?
> Because apparently, the kernel which comes with CentOS 4 does not
> support it, as I get the following syslog message when I start gmond:
> GMOND[31539]: slurpfile() open() error on file
> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq: No such file or
> directory
> We might have discussed this issue previously, so I apologize in
> advance if I missed the answer.
 This error happens on SLED 10 as well.  As mentioned before, it doesn't really 
have anything to do with multicpu.conf nor does multicpu.conf ever reference 
this file.  There is one catch with multicpu.conf however, it is not completely 
configured out of the box.  It is only configured for a single cpu0.  Since the 
multicpu module discovers the number of cpus supported on the box at start up 
time and creates metrics dynamically for each cpu discovered, there is no way 
to preconfigure the module.  If the box has more than a single cpu, the 
multicpu.conf file must be modified to expose the additional cpus.  The easiest 
way to tell what additional cpuX metrics are supported is to simply run gmond 
-m to get a list of all metrics.  Any dynamically created metrics will appear 
in the list.  The same concept is also true for the multidisk python module 
since it also has to discover all of the individual disks on the system and 
create dynamic metrics at startup time.


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