On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 16:03 -0800, Bernard Li wrote:

> As packaging documentations from both Fedora and SUSE mention that
> they should be included, I have decided to include the .pyc files.

I think that is good.  Let rpm manage the .pyc files.  In most cases, it
can do a much better job of managing files during an uninstall than any
custom %uninstall script in the spec file.

I know that I am a little late getting into this thread, but I thought I
might add my $0.02 about some of the previously voice concerns (in case
it matters to anyone):

1) Precompiling .py files might tie them to a specific Python version.

That's pretty much correct.  From what I could find online, Python
embeds a "magic number" in the .pyc file to identify which version it
was compiled for.  However, if another version tries to run it, it will
recognize the incompatibility and resort to loading the .py file.  So
there should be no conflicts (unless the .pyc file exists but the .py
file is missing).

2) If there are multiple versions of Python installed, then it might
mess up Ganglia.

I don't think that scenario is very likely.  When the RPM is created,
the default behavior will cause the Python DSO module to be compiled
using system's "standard" C headers/libs.  This same python version will
be used to generate the .pyc files, so there should be no problems.

The only time I could see something getting out of sync would be if the
RPM was recompiled using different CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc. which pointed
to the C header/libs of another Python version, but the rpm magic mojo
still used the standard system python binary to generate the .pyc files.

In either case, I think it would require some dedicated effort to shoot
one's self in the foot...

Rick Mohr
Systems Developer
Ohio Supercomputer Center

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