Hi all:

Since the release of Ganglia 3.1, we have introduced the new
configuration option send_metadata_interval in gmond.conf.  This is
set to 0 by default and the user must set this to a sane number if
using unicast otherwise if gmonds are restarted, hosts may appear to
be offline (this is documented in the release notes).  A bug has
already been filed:


We recently have a lot of users having this issue and Vladimir
recommend that we just set a sane number as the default and be done
with it, since we end up spending a lot of time on IRC/mailing-list to
solve the same problem over and over again.

Since there have been some commits to the 3.1 branch since tagging
3.1.7, I propose we just copy 3.1.7 tag, update the send_meta_data
interval in the configuration file and release that as 3.1.8.

This is not the normal procedure for making a release, so I'd like to
get some feedback from other developers.

BTW I am thinking of setting send_metadata_interval to 30 seconds.
Also, does anybody know if this setting affects multicast setups in
any way?



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