On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:52:50 -0800, Bernard Li <bern...@vanhpc.org> wrote:

> I have a perhaps naive question.  It sounds like
> send_metadata_interval is only relevant to unicast configuration, so
> why is multicast affected as well?  How difficult of a code change
> would it be if we make the send_metadata_interval directive to only
> affect unicast?
> Also multicast is the default configuration due to historic reasons
> but not because it is more common.  It is however easier to set up if
> your environment supports it.  Is it time for us to evaluate whether
> we should switch to unicast as the default?  And if so how?  What is
> the actual spread between unicast and multicast users?  If it turns
> out that the majority of our (new) users are using unicast, should we
> spend more time/effort making it easier for them to use Ganglia?
>> 300 or 600 seconds is probably good enough for a default.  But no
>> what the default is, users still have to understand what that directive
>> is for and how to optimize it.  The value of send_metadata_interval
>> probably be different for every installation when you take into
>> consideration the number of nodes, the number of metrics and any other
>> network related variables.
> A couple more ideas came out of a brief brainstorming session on IRC
> between Vladimir, Jesse and myself:
> 1) Collector gmond should request metadata from all gmonds when it has
> been freshly (re)started
> 2) Add a configuration check for gmond so upon starting, if
> configuration is unicast-based, and send_metadata_interval is 0, warn
> the user to set it to a sane number
> 3) Find a middle ground of default send_metadata_interval which does
> not hurt new users in HPC space wanting to use unicast
> 2) and 3) are workarounds which could be implemented relatively
> quickly, 1) maybe not so much.

I think send_metadata_interval would also be a problem if you set all your
agents to be deaf except the collector node(s). I have done just that for
security reasons.


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