Thanks for the suggestion, but dmidecode is not portable and is super 
unreliable since it depends on upstream hardware vendors setting 
reasonable values. Even running on a sample of 8-10 models of 
motherboards all from the same vendor I get vastly different results 
from dmidecode. I'd strongly discourage anybody from trying to integrate 
it into other software for anything aside from general informational use.


On 08/01/2013 01:50 AM, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
> Hi! Regarding the identification of hosts based on motherboard UUID i
> thought to post some info to spare developers of ganglia of some wasted
> seconds :)
> So : on rhel systems you must do :
> yum install python-dmidecode  (so gmond should have dependency on this
> package that is found in distros repo)
> and the small python script (taken from the example of developers of
> python-demidecode) would be like this (removed all comments for space
> reasons) :
> import dmidecode
> import sys, os
> from pprint import pprint
> def print_warnings():
>          "Simple function, dumping out warnings with a prefix if warnings
> are found and clearing warning buffer"
>          warn = dmidecode.get_warnings()
>          if warn:
>                print "### WARNING: %s" % warn
>                dmidecode.clear_warnings()
> root_user = (os.getuid() == 0 and True or False)
> if not root_user:
>          print "####  NOT RUNNING AS ROOT"
> dmixml = dmidecode.dmidecodeXML()
> dmixml.SetResultType(dmidecode.DMIXML_DOC)
> xmldoc = dmixml.QuerySection('all')
> dmixp = xmldoc.xpathNewContext()
> data = dmixp.xpathEval('/dmidecode/SystemInfo/SystemUUID')
> for d in data:
>                  print "%s" % (d.get_content())
> del dmixp
> del xmldoc
> HTH,
> Adrian
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