I 100% agree that we should be able to use some sort of unique and 
persistent way to identify hosts, but I don't think that dmidecode is 
the way to do it. Generating a UUID once and then persisting it in a 
file would be my preference, but I think that more generally if we were 
to allow a user specified callback to provide the ID string would be the 
ideal situation and would be the most flexible.

Some users may want to use the UUID from a disk or a filesystem label, 
others may find that their vendors provide the info in something usable 
via dmidecode, and yet others may just want to populate hostname as the 
identifier. Moving away from DNS would be a big win, IMHO, for a large 
percentage of users, but lets not adopt something that is equally 
troublesome for some other equally large percentage of users...


On 08/01/2013 10:24 AM, Chris Burroughs wrote:
> I think the more general point here (and has come up in other contexts
> such as mobile phones) is that sometimes neither IP nor reverse DNS make
> sense and people would like sending something else to be 'smoother' (as
> opposed to hacky/spoofy).
> My experience with vendor data hasn't given me warm and fuzzies either
> ("TO BE ENTERED BY O.E.M") but I could see something like  UUID on
> startup and 'custom bits on the motherboard' as reasonable -- if not
> common -- use cases.
> On 08/01/2013 12:20 PM, Dave Rawks wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion, but dmidecode is not portable and is super
>> unreliable since it depends on upstream hardware vendors setting
>> reasonable values. Even running on a sample of 8-10 models of
>> motherboards all from the same vendor I get vastly different results
>> from dmidecode. I'd strongly discourage anybody from trying to integrate
>> it into other software for anything aside from general informational use.
>> -Dave

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