What I was suggesting is to add dynamic download automatically. Can't 
bootstrap pull external files ?

On 01/31/2014 10:06 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Another thing to consider is to have the packager download problematic
> JS files and download them directly of jquery.com. Daniel can that be
> done ?
> That creates more work for the person making the package:
> Essentially, the packager has to
> a) download the tarball created from the tag in github
> b) remove stuff
> c) add stuff (unless it is available from other packages, like jquery)
> d) create a new tarball
> While some people do that for their packages, the extra effort involved
> in doing this means there is less time to spend on other work that might
> help improve this or other free software, so it is better to just come
> up with a solution for the official ganglia-web tarballs to be compliant
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