On 04/02/14 18:00, Bernard Li wrote:
> Hi Daniel:
> In terms of project ideas, we can re-use our wishlist but it might
> need cleaning up -- is there a more up to date list somewhere perhaps
> in GitHub?
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/ganglia/wiki/ganglia_wish-list
> I have also created this template for student application which we may
> be able to re-use:
> https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/ganglia/wiki/gsoc_application_template
> While searching for materials regarding GSoC and Ganglia, I came
> across this report on Apache OODT:
> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2013/10/google-summer-of-code-veteran-orgs.html
> It may be possible for us to align with Apache on the application,
> perhaps we can reach out to Chris Mattmann to see if he may be
> interested in collaborating.

If we could get an endorsement from both Debian and Apache that would
hopefully be really positive for our chance of selection

> Chris Burroughs -- I think if you can pair up with one of us to mentor
> a student, that will be great.  I am sure any prospective student will
> be able to learn from your experience in using Ganglia.
> Should we sync up on IRC to see how we should go about with the
> application?  Anybody else interested in helping?

What about we give Jitsi video bridge a go?

Another idea: we should use some of the photos from the Ganglia meeting
on the web site and the GSoC page to help people appreciate the size of
the community around Ganglia.  Hopefully that will also capture the
interest of some students.

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