Hi Devon:

I think that's a great idea but I just worry whether a college student
without any previous experience with Ganglia will be able to achieve
this in about 3-4 months time span including time to learning and
understanding how Ganglia works.



On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Devon H. O'Dell <devon.od...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are plenty of other things that are achievable wrt performance
> improvements just by switching datastructures, reducing copies and
> allocations, and possibly switching away from XML as a gmetad
> serialization format. I haven't had a ton of time recently to start
> working on these things or the gmetad plugin stuff, but I'd be happy
> to mentor a student who wanted to work on any of these things.
> --dho
> 2014-02-06 Bernard Li <bern...@vanhpc.org>:
>> Hi Daniel:
>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au> wrote:
>>> We could also reach out to related projects like rrdtool.  One idea I
>>> had was that we could ask a student to make an R plugin to read RRDs and
>>> then the student could try and perform some statistical analysis on the
>>> RRDs.
>> I like this idea.
>> Another idea is to finish the ganglia-web portion for NVIDIA GPU monitoring.
>> Cheers,
>> Bernard
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