On 02/09/2014 02:28 PM, Maciej Lasyk wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 01:22:08PM -0500, Jeff Layton wrote:
>> Maybe I need to drop back to an older ganglia version?
> What kind of repositories do you use on this Centos (yum repolist all)?
> Does 'yum update' finishes without any problems?
I apologies for the length.

repo id                repo 
name                                                   status
C6.0-base              CentOS-6.0 - 
Base                                           disabled
C6.0-centosplus        CentOS-6.0 - 
CentOSPlus                                     disabled
C6.0-contrib           CentOS-6.0 - 
Contrib                                        disabled
C6.0-extras            CentOS-6.0 - 
Extras                                         disabled
C6.0-updates           CentOS-6.0 - 
Updates                                        disabled
C6.1-base              CentOS-6.1 - 
Base                                           disabled
C6.1-centosplus        CentOS-6.1 - 
CentOSPlus                                     disabled
C6.1-contrib           CentOS-6.1 - 
Contrib                                        disabled
C6.1-extras            CentOS-6.1 - 
Extras                                         disabled
C6.1-updates           CentOS-6.1 - 
Updates                                        disabled
C6.2-base              CentOS-6.2 - 
Base                                           disabled
C6.2-centosplus        CentOS-6.2 - 
CentOSPlus                                     disabled
C6.2-contrib           CentOS-6.2 - 
Contrib                                        disabled
C6.2-extras            CentOS-6.2 - 
Extras                                         disabled
C6.2-updates           CentOS-6.2 - 
Updates                                        disabled
C6.3-base              CentOS-6.3 - 
Base                                           disabled
C6.3-centosplus        CentOS-6.3 - 
CentOSPlus                                     disabled
C6.3-contrib           CentOS-6.3 - 
Contrib                                        disabled
C6.3-extras            CentOS-6.3 - 
Extras                                         disabled
C6.3-updates           CentOS-6.3 - 
Updates                                        disabled
C6.4-base              CentOS-6.4 - 
Base                                           disabled
C6.4-centosplus        CentOS-6.4 - 
CentOSPlus                                     disabled
C6.4-contrib           CentOS-6.4 - 
Contrib                                        disabled
C6.4-extras            CentOS-6.4 - 
Extras                                         disabled
C6.4-updates           CentOS-6.4 - 
Updates                                        disabled
adobe-linux-i386       Adobe Systems 
Incorporated                                  enabled:      2
adobe-linux-x86_64     Adobe Systems 
Incorporated                                  enabled:      2
base                   CentOS-6 - 
Base                                             enabled:  6,367
c6-media               CentOS-6 - 
Media                                            disabled
centosplus             CentOS-6 - 
Plus                                             disabled
contrib                CentOS-6 - 
Contrib                                          disabled
debug                  CentOS-6 - 
Debuginfo                                        disabled
elrepo                 ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Repository 
- el6      enabled:    262
elrepo-extras          ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Extras 
Repository - e disabled
elrepo-kernel          ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Kernel 
Repository - e disabled
elrepo-testing         ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Testing 
Repository -  disabled
epel                   Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - 
x86_64              enabled: 10,444
epel-debuginfo         Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64 - 
Debug      disabled
epel-source            Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64 - 
Source     disabled
epel-testing           Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - Testing - 
x86_64    disabled
epel-testing-debuginfo Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - Testing - 
x86_64 -  disabled
epel-testing-source    Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - Testing - 
x86_64 -  disabled
extras                 CentOS-6 - 
Extras                                           enabled:     14
updates                CentOS-6 - 
Updates                                          enabled:    464
virtualbox             Oracle Linux / RHEL / CentOS-6 / x86_64 - 
VirtualBox        enabled:     22
repolist: 17,577

Everything updates correctly (i.e. it finishes).

I built ganglia from source - I didn't use any rpm's.

> You could also try to catch on which particular check this segfault
> happens..?

Not sure how to check this. When I run gmond interactively, it
segfaults just after it says,

[root@home4 yum.repos.d]# /usr/local/sbin/gmond -d 5 -c 
loaded module: core_metrics
loaded module: python_module
loaded module: cpu_module
loaded module: disk_module
loaded module: load_module
loaded module: mem_module
loaded module: net_module
loaded module: proc_module
loaded module: sys_module
loaded module: python_module
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I'm not sure where to begin checking. I'm a very old-fashioned
debugger - I tend to use a great deal of print statements to
track down where things are happening. I can start doing this
in gmond.



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