see section 4.1.3
Timeouts and heartbeats

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 14:39:54 -0500, Vinay bansal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> New to Ganglia. I am trying to understand the Ganglia metrics output.  e.g. 
> ...<METRIC NAME="cpu_nice" VAL="0.0" TYPE="float" UNITS="%" TN="176336"
> TMAX="90" DMAX="0" SLOPE="both" SOURCE="gmond"/>
> Not clear what does the following means 
> a) TN 
> b) TMAX 
> c) DMAX 
> Is there a document explaining each of these terms? 
> Thanks 
> -Vinay 

Marcelo Veiga Neves

"Talk is cheap. Show me the code."  (Linus Torvalds)

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