Robert E. Parrott wrote:
Is there a way to make ganglia hyperthread - aware in v3.0?

We have a cluster of dual Xeons with hyperthreading, which ganglia reports as 4 processes. This is annoying when using the web frontend, since full load appears to only be 1/2 load, and people think there are twice as many CPUs available.

I'm a little confused as to why you want this. If you have dual processors with HT enabled, then a full load is four processes running, which would give you a load average of 4.0. And since ganglia will indicate that a load of 4.0 is 'full load', then it currently does the right thing.

So I guess my question is, how is 4 processes running on a dual proc machine with HT not full load? And if you want full load to be 2 processes running, why are you using HT?

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