Hi Cassandra:

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Cassandra Pugh <cp...@pppl.gov> wrote:

> We may be special since we have nfs disks available to our servers, but I
> simply write to the shared nfs disk from the head node, and read it from the
> web server that is running the web-front of ganglia.

Yes sharing RRD files via NFS is another way of de-coupling the
frontend from gmetad.  One issue with your current approach though is
that in the long run, as you get more servers, you may hit a I/O
bottleneck since gmetad is writing to a remote NFS server.  Users are
experiencing I/O related issue even when writing to local disks as
hosts get to the 1000+ range.  So you might want to take note of that.

Having the web server remotely mount RRD files via NFS on the other
hand should be fine, since the data it needs to render any particular
Ganglia web page is limited.

> I think I ran into an issue and found I needed the same version of rrdtool
> and the exact same date/time across both servers.
> What are the advantages of running the system as described below?  Would
> there be better performance (time to load graphs on webpage?)? More/less
> load?

I haven't really done any performance benchmark, you may be in a
better position to give some numbers since you already have a
"de-coupled" setup.  Basically instead of a system call to rrdtool, it
opens a network socket and queries the RRD Server.  Each time a call
is made the socket has to be opened and closed, so there is overhead

One difference between this setup and the NFS approach is that you
don't need to install rrdtool on the webserver, since it just relies
on communicating with the RRD Server presumably installed on the
gmetad server.

One issue I forgot to mention with my approach is that RRD Server runs
in a chroot, and therefore do not have access to any system-level
libraries it may need.  For RRDTool 1.2.x, you will need to copy the
fonts to your ganglia RRD directory.  For instance if RRDTool comes
with the font /usr/share/rrdtool/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Roman.ttf, you
will need to create the same directory tree in your RRD root, eg.
/var/lib/ganglia/rrds/usr/share/rrdtool/fonts/ and then copy
DejaVuSansMono-Roman.ttf to that directory.

For RRDTool 1.3+ which uses pango, this may get a lot more complicated
since there are a lot more dependencies involved.

On a related note.  It looks like rrdcached will be supporting the
FETCH command soon, which means you may soon be able to query
rrdcached for graph generation -- so that may be another route to go.



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