I was suspecting that. Can you try this

diff --git a/libmetrics/darwin/metrics.c b/libmetrics/darwin/metrics.c
index 2259d84..7d285a0 100644
--- a/libmetrics/darwin/metrics.c
+++ b/libmetrics/darwin/metrics.c
@@ -446,6 +446,17 @@ cpu_intr_func ( void )
+cpu_steal_func ( void )
+   g_val_t val;
+   val.f = 0.0;
+   return val;
 cpu_sintr_func ( void )
    g_val_t val;

On 02/11/2014 11:16 AM, Jim Greene wrote:

Just as an update to this. I have noticed that libmetrics/darwin/metrics.c does not contain a function for cpu_steal, which would explain why it can't be found, or so I assume.

From: jim.green...@hotmail.com
To: ganglia-general@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 05:14:45 -0800
Subject: [Ganglia-general] Ganglia 3.6 on OSX 10.9 issue

Hi All,
Getting back into ganglia after some time off the grid (and new job), and having some issues with ganglia 3.6 compiling on OSX. I have macports installed, and have libconfuse installed via macports. My configure is as follows:

./configure LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include" --with-libapr=/opt/local/bin/apr-1-config --with-python=/usr/bin/python

Now this does compile fine afaik. The problem is when attempting to run gmond. I get the following:

Cannot load /usr/local/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so metric module: dlopen(/usr/local/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so, 10): Symbol not found: _cpu_steal_func
  Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /usr/local/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so

Searching the interwebz gives me no clue here, and I can find very little reference to cpu_steal outside of the mod_cpu.c source.

This is on OSX 10.9.1

Thanks in advance

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