Im not sure Meyer would tell him that.  His attitude is.. let Tebow be
Tebow...   but I see what you are saying and I mostly agree... except for
the fact... he has tried to spread the ball around...and they let him
I almost wonder if Tebow is the leader of this team in more ways than one.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Randy Platt <>wrote:

> Steve,
> I will go out on a limb and say that from what I have seen so far the
> biggest problem with our offense is Tim Tebow.  Granted he is also the best
> thing about our offense, but I really don't think he has played as well in
> the first half of the season as he did last year.  He has two fumbles
> because he is holding the ball down by his hip, his decision making,
> particularly on passing plays is shaky at best, he seems to look for Cooper
> or Hernandez and then run, he still holds on to the ball way to long.  I
> just think TT is putting too much on himself to carry the team and not
> relying on the talent around him to help him out.  I just think Meyer needs
> to have a little talk with TT and explain that he doesn't have to carry the
> offense on his back.
> Randy Platt
> aka "PCGator"
> aka "The Armchair Quarterback"
> aka "The Other Randy"
> Later Gators! Afterwhile the Rest!
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Steve McKibben
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: [gatortalk] Re: "Just win"
> --- On Wed, 10/21/09, Woody <> wrote:
> A win is a win is a win... Ill take em.  But is anyone else getting the
> impression that that mentality may be setting us back?
> The fan base more than the team, IMO
>  - We're #1... and so long as we win we're in.  But will that remain true
> if
> Bama or whoever shows to be more impressive as the season continues?
> If it's only Bama that leapfrogs us (and keep in mind they've only done
> that
> in the AP poll so far, which is NOT a component of the BCS poll which
> selects the participants in the title game), then, if we "just win" out,
> we'll get to decide the "BCS semi-final" on the field with them. To carry
> that further, even if we were to drop to #4 in the BCS, a win over a #1
> Bama
> would likely get us back in the top 2. #3 or better at that point and it's
> win, we're in.
> - these problems are not just due to Tebows concussion.. that cannot be an
> excuse.. he's been on his game.  But the entire game cannot rest on his
> shoulders.
> I'll be interested to see if we run the read option play this week. That's
> where Tebow puts the ball in the tailback's belly as if he's running a dive
> play then, depending on his read, can pull it out and run it wide, and
> possibly pitch it to the trailer. We were killing Kentucky with that pay,
> and (ostensibly) to protect Tebow, we have not run it since. We were able
> to
> gash LSU with the straight dive, but Arkansas schemed to take that away,
> and
> we struggled on the ground against them for the most part.
> - "just win" because the entire year is going to be a struggle because they
> are not as good of a team as we thought.  That atleast seems to be true...
> And that could be true - especially if the "as good of a team as we
> thought"
> part means as good as those hyper inflated "best team ever" expectations.
> - "just win" because Addazzio is still getting his feet wet as a OC and is
> going through a learning curve, hence why we are not very productive.
>  Maybe
> he's playin it too safe and doesnt wanna screw up?
> While he's the OC, our plays are scripted called, and reviewed by committee
> and Meyer has the final say. Not saying the old OL coach doesn't like to
> give his hosses the opportunity to play smashmouth, but I think if anyone
> is
> reigning in the playcalling, it's probably Meyer.
> look..I know meyer isnt happy that we arent happy with just accepting a
> win... i dont think thats what we are up in arms about... Im not so sure
> thats the case at all... i think everyone of us would accept a win... but I
> do think this mentality of "just go in and get out with a win" may be the
> wrong mindset.  I think it also shows that Meyer doesnt have that much
> confidence in this team or someone that is keeping them from being a
> dominant figure.
> Last year we were very good at not turing the ball over and also very good
> at taking it away. That gave our offense a lot of short fields (and in many
> cases defensive scores) that allowed our naturally conservative coaches to
> loosen up a bit. This year, so far at least, we are minus in the turnover
> column, and therefore are looking at longer fields in tighter games, so the
> conservative nature shines through. If we'll start getting some timely
> turnovers, or more importantly, stop giving them away I think you'll feel a
> lot better about the scoreboard.
>  Again.. maybe im thinking too far into it all
> A long drive after a tight game will do that!
> ... but right now.. Miss St game is scaring the hell outta me.
> Until proven otherwise, the only game on our schedule that I don't think we
> can possibly lose is FIU. By the same token, despite all of our current
> watrs, we're capable of, and in fact, SHOULD be able to win all of
> them!</table
> >

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