Randy Platt wrote:
I will go out on a limb and say that from what I have seen so far the
biggest problem with our offense is Tim Tebow.  Granted he is also the best 
thing about our offense, but I really don't think he has played as well in the 
first half of the season as he did last year.  

He has two fumbles because he is holding the ball down by his hip, his decision 
making, particularly on passing plays is shaky at best, he seems to look for 
Cooper or Hernandez and then run, he still holds on to the ball way to long.  

I just think TT is putting too much on himself to carry the team and not 
relying on the talent around him to help him out.  I just think Meyer needs to 
have a little talk with TT and explain that he doesn't have to carry the 
offense on his back.

Randy Platt
aka "PCGator"
aka "The Armchair Quarterback"
aka "The Other Randy"
Later Gators! Afterwhile the Rest!

Interesting observations Randy.

Games one and two were against cupcakes, but he looked pretty good against 
them, as expected.

Against Tennessee, Kiffin Sr. schemed to take away the long ball,
Hernandez was ill, Thompson was out with the hammy, and the decision
was supposedly made to grind it out and shorten the game, since we had
some success running on them and they couldn't beat us passing.

Against Kentucky, I've never seen Tebow play better than he did the
first quarter. Again - our defense and special teams provided the
offense with short fields and a score on the blocked punt. Tim was
gashing them with the read option and that opened up other aspects of
the offense. Was Tim and the offense's success due to having a
comfortable lead, good field position and therefore the green light
from the coaches to open things up, was the UK defense that bad, or
what? We all know what happened at the end of the third quarter.

Against LSU we threw what, twelve passes? One beauty to Cooper for the
TD, and one stinker that Tim misread that should (shoulda, woulda,
coulda again!) have been a TD but ended up being an INT. We were told,
and it makes sense, that much of the offensive gameplan was designed to
limit Tim's exposure to hard hits, although he did receive and dish out

So basically, we have one game where Tim and his supporting cast were
healthy, where we had an opponent that could test our defense, on which
to judge TT's effectiveness.

Playing the w/c/s game again, we were a dropped bomb by Cooper from a
300 yd plus passing game - not too shabby, IMO. The turnovers had our
defense on the field a lot, and often after a very short rest - even
our best play of the game resulted in them returning after a one play
drive by our offense. Given Arky's offensive prowess, and the absence
of Spikes, Marsh, and Howard, I wasn't surprised at all that they
eventually gave up some yards and points.

I agree that Tim hasn't looked, other than in the UK game, as sharp as
we've seen him before. I would imagine that some of that may be due to
the lack of practice time with a lot of his weapons, since they've
taken turns being out of action.

You could make a case for ( I suppose that I am! ) it being , up to
now, a perfect storm consisting of reduced practice reps,
illness/injury, intentional conservative game planning, and untimely
lapses in scheme and/or execution by his supporting cast/the coaching
staff that has made Superman look very Clark Kent-ish.

I also wonder if the new QB coach has tried to change something in his
mechanics that has him thinking longer and reacting later. Some of the
sacks he took on Saturday were the rsult of him hoping against hope to
make a play at the very last second. It's easy to say that he should
have thrown the ball away on those plays, but how many times have we
seen him, against all odds, turn those into positive plays?

One last point (for those of you still with me) - as I noted before, we
haven't seen the read option since the UK game. That had been a staple
of our offense this season. You would think that the only reason to
abandon it would be out of concern for Tim's continued health. Yet, by
design or by improvisation, Tim has been far and away the player on our
team with the most carries, and his injury came not on a run, but while
he was in the pocket looking to pass. I can't help but wonder if Meyer
is still concerned about the risk of a second concussion to the point
that he's purposely cutting out a crucial element of our attack and
relying on our defense and special teams to keep us close enough in
games that our "reduced" offense can win them.

This season certainly has turned out much more intersing than the 
cakewalk/coronation that much of the Gator Nation expected!


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