Helen Rule, please. A. Leon Polhill, Gator "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn't know." - Mark Twain
________________________________ From: Ken Kirkley <k...@kirkley.net> To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 9:29:08 PM Subject: RE: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF So, does that mean you don’t have conversations with passengers in your car, or sing along with the radio? Those are equally as distracting…. This might be heading to too hot. ________________________________ From:gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Cecilia Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 8:21 PM To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF It's not just your hands and eyes that you should be worried about, though. Even talking while using a Bluetooth creates a distraction for drivers. You know darn well that your brain can be "seeing" something completely different if you're engaged in a phone conversation instead of giving your full concentration to the road. Sure, it's marginally better than having to drive with your pinkies while using your thumbs to text and looking down at the phone screen (or over it to see the road peripherally)... but the difference really is only marginal according to what I've read. Your brain is still the most important body part to use while you're driving, and you should be focusing as much of it as possible on your driving and not on phone conversations. So don't call me while I'm driving because I won't answer you! :-P~~~ Cee ----- Original Message ----- >From:Randy Lyons >To:gatortalk@googlegroups.com >Sent:Wednesday, June 09, 2010 11:01 AM >Subject:RE: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >That’s why I silence my Blackberry while driving. My Bluetooth, however, still >tells me when a call is coming in, and just simply reaching up and pressing a >button on it will answer the call. A Bluetooth is also handy for making a call >to a number in your address book. Just push the button, and at the prompt, say >“Call Leon Polhill mobile” and it dials the number for me. Hand is never away >from the wheel for more than a couple of seconds, and eyes are NEVER off of >the road. > >Randy > >From:gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf >Of oli...@bobparks.com >Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 9:53 AM >To: Gator Talk >Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >While I was just taking advantage of another of the many opportunities to give >Randy grief, I would have to agree that this is a grave problem. Fatalities >are increasing exponentially as a result of texting while driving. >It's very tempting to do when the mobile is buzzing on the highway. The result >is immediate disaster. >Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry > ________________________________ >From: "Charlie" <ces1...@gmail.com> >Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 09:34:42 -0400 >To: <gatortalk@googlegroups.com> >Subject: RE: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >The ones that are texting while driving are a real hoot. I was behind a guy >the other day going 20 mph in a 45 mph zone. When I finally got around him I >glanced over and he was just texting away, thumbs were flying. > > ________________________________ >From:gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf >Of Randy Lyons >Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 9:22 AM >To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com >Subject: RE: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF >Sorry. It’s just my latest “soapbox”. I actually DO have a sense of humor, but >observing drivers weaving while looking down or oblivious to the traffic >around them because they are engrossed in a cell phone conversation is >becoming alarming. > >Randy > >From:gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf >Of oli...@bobparks.com >Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 7:47 AM >To: Gator Talk >Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >Then, there are those who have no sense of humor. They usually become >mail-list administrators. >Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry > ________________________________ >From: "Randy Lyons" <gatorspo...@comcast.net> >Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 06:38:22 -0400 >To: <gatortalk@googlegroups.com> >Subject: RE: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >You shouldn’t TOUCH your cell phone while driving. Use a Bluetooth and if your >cell phone doesn’t support “voice commands”, upgrade to one that does. My cell >phone stays in it’s holster while I’m driving. I check email/text messages >when I stop. Distracted driving is killing people. > >Randy > >From:gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf >Of oli...@bobparks.com >Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 10:07 PM >To: Gator Talk >Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >You shouldn't e-mail and drive eith >Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry > ________________________________ >From: ken...@earthlink.net >Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 02:05:01 +0000 >To: <gatortalk@googlegroups.com> >Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >Thanks again, Leon . > >I hope you and Paula enjoy the tour of the southwest, and are able to post >when the mood strikes you. Just remember: don't text and drive. > >By the way, if you're there, watch out for the speed traps between Albuquerque >and Santa Fe . They are awful. > >Go Gators!!!! > >Ken B. (NYC Gator) > > >Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed > ________________________________ >From: Arthur Polhill <lpolh...@bellsouth.net> >Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 18:46:30 -0700 (PDT) >To: <gatortalk@googlegroups.com> >Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ken. I enjoyed doing it. > >This is a very special baseball team that we have this year and I want all >Gators to know it. I know Bob Williams up near Bangor , ME couldn't get the >broadcasts on radio or TV, so I kept Bob in mind as I thumb-typed away on the >Blackberry. > >Paula and I would be going to Omaha for the CWS, hopefully following the Gator >team, but a family wedding in North Hollywood , CA is launching us this Monday >on a 5-week motorhome tour of the SW. We will be watching the CWS on TV on >the road. > >A. Leon Polhill, Gator >"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. >I said I didn't know." - Mark Twain > > ________________________________ >From:"ken...@earthlink.net" <ken...@earthlink.net> >To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com >Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 9:19:15 PM >Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >Leon : > >I think we can give you the weekend off. > >Thank you for live-scoring the other games for us. I know I was very happy to >be able to follow the action via your updates. It was the next best thing to >being there. > > >Go Gators!!!! > >Ken B. (NYC Gator) >Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed > ________________________________ >From: Arthur Polhill <lpolh...@bellsouth.net> >Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 15:39:13 -0700 (PDT) >To: <gatortalk@googlegroups.com> >Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >Paula and I are really looking forward to this series. I'll not >be play-calling this series on Gatortalk because it's being broadcast on ESPN >Friday and ESPN2 on Saturday and Sunday. > >A. Leon Polhill, Gator >"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. >I said I didn't know." - Mark Twain > > > ________________________________ >From:Charlie <ces1...@gmail.com> >To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com >Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 4:47:45 PM >Subject: RE: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >I would have fallen on the floor in total shock if A&M had won that game. > >-----Original Message----- >From: gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On >Behalf Of lpolh...@bellsouth.net >Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:08 PM >To: Gatortalk; Asst. Principal Diane Leinenbach >Subject: [gatortalk] Miami beat Texas A&M to face UF > >Miami beat Texas A&M 10-3 this afternoon to earn a place in the Super >Regional at Gainesville vs the Gators. The games are Friday through Sunday >at 7:00pm in a 2 out of 3 series. >Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T > >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us > >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us >-- >GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! >1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions >2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions >2008 National Football Champions | >Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), >Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us-- GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! 1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions 2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions 2008 National Football Champions | Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us -- GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! 1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions 2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions 2008 National Football Champions | Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us -- GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! 1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions 2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions 2008 National Football Champions | Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us