Thanks, Helen.  I also confess to not knowing the term.  I always wondered
why some players had a different color jersey as well.  I guess I will get
that question on Trivial Pursuit now.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Helen Huntley
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Re: [gatornews] GatorNews From The Gainesville SUN
For 12/1 at 7:00AM, Courtesy of Shane Ford




It's a defensive player who doesn't serve and who wears a different colored
shirt. They started using it in college volleyball a few years ago. Here are
some libero rules, but I don't know if the college rules are exactly the
same as these.




4.1.2  Each team has the option to register, among the final list of 12
       one (1) specialized defensive player "Libero" (Rule 8.5).
8.5 The Libero Player
8.5.1 The Libero (Rule 4.1.2) must be recorded on the scoresheet before 
      the match in the special line reserved for it.  His/her number must
      be also added on the line-up sheet on the first set (Rule
8.5.2 The specific rules for the Libero player are as follows: The equipment
        The Libero must wear a different colour uniform , shirt or jacket
   in contrast to the other members of the team (or with a different 
   design) (Rule 4.3.5) The playing actions
        a) The libero is allowed to replace any player in a backrow
   b) He/she is restricted to perform as a back row player and is not
      allowed to complete an attack hit from anywhere (including playing
      court and free zone) if at the moment of contact the ball is entirely
      higher than the top of the net.
   c) He/she may not serve, block, or attempt to block.
   d) A player may not complete an attack hit from higher than the
      top of the net, if the ball is coming from an overhand finger pass
      by a Libero in the front zone.  The ball may be freely attacked if
      the Libero makes the same action from behind the end zone. Replacement of players
        a) Replacements involving the Libero are not counted as regular
      substitutions.  They are unlimited, but there must be a rally
      between two Libero replacements.  The Libero can only be replaced
      by the player whom he/she replaced.
   b) Replacements can only take place:
        i. at the start of each set after the second referee has checked
            the starting line up;
            ii. while the ball is out of play;
      iii. before the whistle for service.
   c) A Libero may only enter or leave the court by the sideline 
      in front of his/her team bench between the attack line and 
      the end line. Replacement of injured Libero 
        a) With the previous approval of the first referee, an injured
      may be replaced during the match by any player who is not on the
      court at the moment of the injury.  The injured Libero may not
      re-enter to play for the remainder of the match.
   b) The player designated to replace an injured Libero must remain
      as a Libero for the reaminder of the match.


1999-2000 RULE CHANGES 

These rule changes will be in effect for the 1999-2000 season of USA
Volleyball competition, commencing November 1, 1999. 

The substitution systems will allow greater participation in the game by
more players. 

All questions and comments should be forwarded to Tom Blue, USA Volleyball
Rule Interpreter, at (540) 345-2411 or 

Substitution System 

Rule 11.3 is amended to reflect the use of the Libero Defensive Player in
the United States Rules. These rules will be in effect for the 1999 USA
Volleyball Open Championships, Open Division and, beginning November 1999,
for any USA Volleyball Open competition. Any team participating in Open
Competition has the option to register a Libero player on its roster.
Regular substitutions remain limited to six team subs and one individual
entry per player. 

Only one Libero will be allowed per team. There are special rules if the
Libero player is injured and cannot continue. The Libero player's number
must be placed on the line-up sheet for the first game of each match, in
addition to the numbers for the starting six players. The Libero player must
wear a uniform of a different and contrasting color and/or design than that
of the rest of the team in order to be readily recognized on the court. 

Libero Playing Actions: The Libero may replace any player in a back row
position. The Libero may not serve, block or attempt to block. The Libero
may not complete an attack-hit from anywhere if at the moment of contact the
ball is entirely higher than the top of the net. A teammate may not complete
an attack-hit on a ball coming from an overhead pass using the fingers by
the Libero if the Libero sets while in the front zone. The ball may be
freely attacked if the Libero makes the same set from behind the front zone.

Libero Replacements: When the Libero replaces a player in the back zone, it
is not counted as a substitution. These replacements are unlimited. Only the
player whom he/she replaced may replace the Libero. After the Libero is
replaced, he/she must stay out one rally before replacing another player in
the back zone. Replacements may take place: 1) at the start of the game
after the 2nd referee has checked the line-up and 2) while the ball is out
of play before the 1st referee blows the whistle for service. 

United States Rules - Modified governs play in all USA Volleyball
competition other than Open Competition. Rule 11.2.2 of United States Rules
- Modified is amended to allow teams to use a maximum of fifteen team
substitutions in each game, and unlimited individual entries within those
fifteen team subs. Rule 11.2.2 changed to restrict each rotation position to
one starter and one substitute. 


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:00 AM, John Vega <> wrote:


On Dec 1, 2010, at 8:40 AM, Shane Ford wrote:

Gator libero Fleming goes from walk-on to counted on



Not the "L" word!




Seriously, what does this word mean? The dictionary says "sweeper" like a
person with a broom.


Is this now volleyball slang?

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Helen Huntley

(727) 823-3801

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2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions
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Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
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