Exactly what I was saying !  But this state or national censorship  ???  NO 
NO NO  !!
In a message dated 4/2/2011 4:36:45 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
blutfonta...@yahoo.co.in writes:

Aditya has read the BOOK, most of us have just read the  review. That is a 
huge plus in Aditya's favour.

--- On Thu,  31/3/11, Aditya Bondyopadhyay <adit.b...@gmail.com>  wrote:

From:  Aditya Bondyopadhyay <adit.b...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: g_b  on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body 
builder, and the  difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual into the image of 
the  mahatma
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, 31 March,  2011, 3:39 PM

The point is, I just procured and read the book so that I can  make up
my own mind. And this is what I find: we are all screaming  because
some nitwit reviewer had to sell his/her copy and therefore  came up
with what can safely be termed COMPLETE BULLSHIT. The book  is nothing
that the review claims and there is no indication or  even wording
about Gandhi's sexuality. It is a complete fabrication  of a
sensationalist and partially deranged reviewer.

So this  is what I suggest. Before you get into a frenzy aka shiv sena,
and  start beating up the writer and burning libraries, please read  the
book. And id you still have bile left, reserve the boot for  the
reviewer for spreading canards, and withdraw it from the  writer.


On 3/31/11, Mike Milton <_mmilton09@yahoo.com_ 
(http://in.mc946.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mmilto...@yahoo.com) > ;  wrote:
> Perhaps the author needs some to boot him  !!!
> Bloot, point here is not appreciating Gandhiji's  principle ... for long 
> have
> done that and have  given up now too.
> Point here is, if someone writes a  story about me, I think I expect 
> to
> verify the  veracity of the story before believing the same. We owe the  
> level of respect to Mahatma.
> Does any one  his right mind think, if there was any truth to this story,
>  British
> would have destroyed Gandhi and would have taken full  advantage of it.
> Let us think before passing mundane  comments at least about a great soul.
>  Mike.
>  ________________________________
> From: Bloot Fontaine <_blu  tfonta...@yahoo.co.in_ 
(http://in.mc946.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=blutfonta...@yahoo.co.in) >
> To: _gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com_ 
>  Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 1:33:14 AM
> Subject: Re: g_b on  Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body
>  builder,
> and the difficulty of assimilating the (homo)sexual  into the image of the
> mahatma
> I am  speaking from what I read in Mumbai Mirror. According to the author 
> the
> book, he has "discovered facts" about  Gandhiji's sexual life from letters
> written by Gandhi to  Kallenbach. In such a case, instead of even 
>  Gandhiji's sexuality, would it not be a lot more pertinent to admire  and
> even
> revere the honesty with which he preserved  those letters so that his life
> could
> openly be  studied?
> Never mind what his sexuality was, he was truthful,  honest, open and
> courageous
> about any and everything!  Otherwise, today we would not have known about
> this
>  and been able to criticise/praise etc.
> --- On Tue,  29/3/11, akshay khanna <_xaefis@gmail.com_ 
(http://in.mc946.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=xae...@gmail.com) >  wrote:
>>From: akshay khanna <_xaefis@gmail.com_ 
(http://in.mc946.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=xae...@gmail.com) >
>>Subject:  g_b on Gandhi, his loving relationship with a german body  
>> and
>>the difficulty of assimilating the  (homo)sexual into the image of the
>> mahatma
>>To:  _lgbt-india@yahoogroups.com_ 
(http://in.mc946.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=lgbt-in...@yahoogroups.com) ,  
>>Date:  Tuesday, 29 March, 2011, 6:26  PM
>>dear  all,
>>below is one of several reviews of Joseph Lelyveld's  book, 'Great Soul', 
>>which a ban is  reportedly being planned in Maharashtra.
es-foul/Article1-6  78973.aspx_ 
>> . as though 'bisexual' were an insult. :)  have not had a chance to read
>> the
>>book itself,  but responses to the possibility that the father of the  
>>might have had a strong, erotic/sexual  attachment to a man are  

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