Expose them .... may be a good idea to take pictures of them on phone to 
yourself. Look this is one of the risks of seeking sex in secret. Not that your 
friend was doing something wrong.  Idea of sex and with who are his personal 
choice. But then one does have possibility of ending up with these kind of 

Also, let at least one of your close friends where you are going for this blind 
Meet the people you are supposed to go in a public place. If they deny, that 
should tip you off ... why would they not want to meet you first in the open.
If you do go ultimately, then carry a different wallet with money only as much 
as needed.
Have some dummy credit cards for show ...
Do not carry ID's such as licence etc.
If possible, inform your friend that you will call him to confirm everything is 
okay ... if he does not hear back from you, he can then come to the hotel for 

Lastly, reciprocate the kindness of your friend when he is in need.


From: mad cow <madc...@yahoo.com>
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, April 11, 2011 2:07:38 PM
Subject: g_b friend looted in dadar

Hi to everyone,
  latly one of my friend met 2 gay young prostitutes they were very good in 
talking it seem, one was lady boy when they went to have sex in dadar in one of 
the hotel, they started having sex but middle of sex they started checking his 
purse and they took all his money kiked him bashed him and they tie his hand 

put tape on his mouth and they left door open, later another 2 guys and started 
asking money for room wich they have arranged i dont want to disclose the 

any how he was lucky to get away from that place one of his cousin brother 
brought money and cleard the room rent thye totaly denied who were those boys, 
so how to deal such kind of theese young male gay prostitues? 


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