--- Comment #28 from Jack Howarth <howarth at nitro dot> 2011-02-01 
20:08:51 UTC ---
Strangely this is insufficient to eliminate the crash (which still ends up in
the FSF libgcc unwinder)...

 -- POWELL ------ step=      5 --- stepsize=  0.020455 --- energy evals=    2
 | Etotal =181.583    grad(E)=4.894      E(BOND)=6.068      E(ANGL)=160.218   
 | E(IMPR)=5.596      E(XDIP)=9.701                                           

Powell::step: irregular exit: Line search abandoned: gradient may be incorrect

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x00007fff87c05616 in __kill ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007fff87c05616 in __kill ()
#1  0x00007fff87ca5cca in abort ()
#2  0x00000001020bd7a6 in uw_init_context_1 (context=0x7fff5fbfc290,
outer_cfa=0x7fff5fbfc4c0, outer_ra=0x101917b12) at
#3  0x00007fff5fbfc700 in ?? ()
#4  0x00007fff87c070a2 in __sflush ()

despite the fact that the linkages in gcc with -v show for -flat_namespace...

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module dinternal.o dint-atom.o dint-node.o dint-loop.o dint-step.o
dint-powell.o dint-conmin.o dint-simplex.o dint-pc6.o dint-xplor.o publicIVM.o
-v -o libintVar.dylib -lcrypto
-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ -llapack -lblas
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin10.6.0
Configured with: ../gcc/configure --enable-checking=release
--prefix=/Users/howarth/dist --with-gmp=/sw --with-ppl=/sw --with-cloog=/sw
--with-mpc=/sw --with-libiconv-prefix=/sw --with-system-zlib
--x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib
--enable-languages=c,c++,fortran --enable-cloog-backend=legacy
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.6.0 20110201 (experimental) (GCC) 
COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-mmacosx-version-min=10.6.6' '-Zdynamiclib'
'-fdefault-integer-8' '-Zflat_namespace' '-undefined' 'suppress'
'-Zsingle_module' '-v' '-o' 'libintVar.dylib'
'-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/' '-shared-libgcc'
-dynamic -dylib -arch x86_64 -flat_namespace -macosx_version_min 10.6.6
-single_module -undefined suppress -weak_reference_mismatches non-weak
-undefined suppress -o libintVar.dylib -ldylib1.10.5.o
dinternal.o dint-atom.o dint-node.o dint-loop.o dint-step.o dint-powell.o
dint-conmin.o dint-simplex.o dint-pc6.o dint-xplor.o publicIVM.o -lcrypto
-llapack -lblas -lstdc++ -lgcc_s.10.5 -lgcc_ext.10.5 -lgcc -no_compact_unwind
-lSystem -v
collect2 version 4.6.0 20110201 (experimental) (x86_64 Darwin)
/usr/bin/ld -dynamic -dylib -arch x86_64 -flat_namespace -macosx_version_min
10.6.6 -single_module -undefined suppress -weak_reference_mismatches non-weak
-undefined suppress -o libintVar.dylib -ldylib1.10.5.o
dinternal.o dint-atom.o dint-node.o dint-loop.o dint-step.o dint-powell.o
dint-conmin.o dint-simplex.o dint-pc6.o dint-xplor.o publicIVM.o -lcrypto
-llapack -lblas -lstdc++ -lgcc_s.10.5 -lgcc_ext.10.5 -lgcc -no_compact_unwind
-lSystem -v
@(#)PROGRAM:ld  PROJECT:ld64-97.17
Library search paths:
Framework search paths:

In fact, the only thing left which doesn't have the initial linkage on
/usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib. Is the xplor executable itself. Only when I relink
that file with...

gcc -o xplor xplor.o -L. -lxplorCmd -lxplor
-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ -lfft -lintVar -lvmd
-lnmrPot -lcommon -lmarvin -lcrypto -L/Users/howarth/dist/lib -lgfortran
-llapack -lblas -lblas -L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/

so that I have...

    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version
    /Users/howarth/dist/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0,
current version 1.0.0)

does the crash in the dipCoup.inp test case disappear.

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