--- Comment #15 from john.harper at vuw dot ---
My previous test program tried Ex0.0E0 output but not Ex0.0, where x is 
N,S, or absent. Below is a revised version which includes all 6 cases. 
It also tries EN and ES before trying E, with an error stop if an error
is detected. Below the program is its output from ifort, which I think 
is f2018-compliant, compiled with options -standard-semantics -check all

(All lines of gfortran output after the first appeared to be wrong.)

program testen0es0e0 ! EN0.0,ES0.0 good f2018, E0.0 bad, with E0 or not
   integer,parameter::p1 = kind(1e0), p2 = kind(1d0), &
        p3 = selected_real_kind(precision(1.0_p2)+1), &
        hp = selected_real_kind(precision(1.0_p3)+1), &
        p4 = merge(hp,p3,hp>0) ! in gfortran p4 /= p3, in ifort p4 == p3
   character:: ens(3)*2=["EN","ES"," E"],e0(2)*2=["  ","E0"], fmt*14, &
   integer iens,ie0,ios
   write(*,"(A,4(1X,I0))") 'real kinds',p1,p2,p3,p4
   do iens = 1,3
      do ie0 = 1,2
         fmt = "(A,1X,"//ens(iens)//"0.0"//e0(ie0)//")"
         write(*, fmt,iostat=ios,iomsg=msg) 'With '//fmt, 666.0_p1
         if(ios/=0) error stop trim(msg)
         write(*, fmt) 'With '//fmt, 666.0_p2
         write(*, fmt) 'With '//fmt, 666.0_p3
         if(p3/=p4) write(*, fmt) 'With '//fmt, 666.0_p4
      end do
   end do
end program testen0es0e0

real kinds 4 8 16 16
With (A,1X,EN0.0  ) 666.E+00
With (A,1X,EN0.0  ) 666.E+00
With (A,1X,EN0.0  ) 666.E+00
With (A,1X,EN0.0E0) 666.E+0
With (A,1X,EN0.0E0) 666.E+0
With (A,1X,EN0.0E0) 666.E+0
With (A,1X,ES0.0  ) 7.E+02
With (A,1X,ES0.0  ) 7.E+02
With (A,1X,ES0.0  ) 7.E+02
With (A,1X,ES0.0E0) 7.E+2
With (A,1X,ES0.0E0) 7.E+2
With (A,1X,ES0.0E0) 7.E+2
With (A,1X, E0.0  ) *****************************************
output conversion error, unit 6, file /dev/pts/0

-- John Harper, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Victoria Univ. of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.

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