--- Comment #6 from Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus <stefansf at linux dot> 
Guard __is_byte_iter checks for contiguous bytes which I guess is fine for
std::vector and then checks for __is_memcmp_ordered which is fine for
big-endian targets in conjunction with unsigned integers.  From
cpp_type_traits.h we have:

  // Whether memcmp can be used to determine ordering for a type
  // e.g. in std::lexicographical_compare or three-way comparisons.
  // True for unsigned integer-like types where comparing each byte in turn
  // as an unsigned char yields the right result. This is true for all
  // unsigned integers on big endian targets, but only unsigned narrow
  // character types (and std::byte) on little endian targets.
  template<typename _Tp, bool _TreatAsBytes =

Thus using memcmp here is fine, however, I'm still a bit unsure whether we
really have to take the minimum of *__first1 and *__first2 since I haven't
found any size-relation between those types.

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