--- Comment #15 from Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle at gcc dot> ---
(In reply to Tobias Burnus from comment #14)
--- snip ---
> The question is whether the following show give an error as shown above:
>   real :: x(3)
>   character(len=1) :: s
>   ...
>   write(99, '(a)') '1.23435 1243.24 13.24 ;'
>   read(99, *) x, s
> Or whether reading this line should work, i.e. reading ';' as character – as
> it does with ifort and flang.
> Or in other words:
> * Does ';' count as character, readable by list-directed formatted I/O?
> (ifort, ifx, flang)
> * Or doesn't it? (gfortran since at least 4.9)

This error caught my attention right away as being odd. With the regression
part out of the way at the moment I will study this further. My initial thought
is we have an eat_seprator out of place where we only need an eat_spaces.
Regardless, I am looking into it.

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