Manuel> It should be possible to arrange the inferior code in
Manuel> such a way that GCC parses each side of @ independently and gives the
Manuel> info necessary to GDB such that it can interpret what @ means or give
Manuel> a reasonable error.

Only if this can be done without requiring gdb to lex the expression.

Manuel> Parsing correctly arbitrary programs that may contain @ at arbitrary
Manuel> places seems a can full of gigantic were-worms.

I think you are overstating the case.

This would be an extension only visible via the special gdb plugin, not
a general use extension.

And, if at some future date C and/or C++ add a use of "@", gdb is going
to have to change anyway.  So I don't think it is so bad.

The real problems are likely the other gdb extensions that are
syntactically even more questionable; plus the protection-bypassing hack
for C++.  That's right -- look over there!


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