Daniel Berlin wrote:
On Sun, 2005-05-29 at 16:37 +1200, Ross Smith wrote:
On Sunday, 29 May 2005 03:17, Uros Bizjak wrote:

Is perhaps some kind of anonymous account needed (as in Slashdot's
case) to encourage these users to fill bugreports?

I think this is probably the real showstopper. I'll admit I haven't exactly made a scientific survey here, but I suspect a lot of people give up when they see the login form.

I'd bet that this is the real reason so few people file bug reports. As soon as they see the demand for an email address, alarm bells start going off in their minds, and they go away.

I've looked at the stats for those who click the "file new bug" (which
goes to the login screen if you aren't entered) and those who submit the
bug form, and they aren't way off from each other.

This is probably because the reason we require a valid email address on
bug reports is because we want to communicate with the person who filed
the bug report.

This is the same as every other bug reporting system i'm aware of that
wants high quality reports.

I just wanted to speak up and say that the idea of alarm bells going off when people see a request for an email address from bugzilla is probably one of the sillier things I've read this week. Anyone lucid enough to be reporting a bug to an open source project like GCC realizes (i hope) in some form how the whole internet-thing works. If you request support, obviously people need a way to get in touch with you. If you're looking at GCC and thinking "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@#$" then you may have more bugs than you thought. ;)

There are throwaway-email services like http://www.jetable.org and free email services available from many sources for the very wary. Maybe a mention of that would help.


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