Hi all,

I would like to update everyone on the progress of the static analyzer
plugin for CPython extension module code. Since the last update, I
have implemented known function subclasses for PyList_New and
PyList_Append. The existing known function subclasses have also been
enhanced to provide more information. For instance, we are now
simulating object type specific fields in addition to just ob_refcnt
and ob_type, which are shared by all PyObjects.

Regarding reference count checking, I have implemented a naive
traversal of the store to count the actual reference count of
PyObjects, allowing us to compare it against the ob_refcnt fields of
the same PyObjects. Although we can compare the actual reference count
and the ob_refcnt field, I am still working on implementing a
diagnostic to alert about this issue.

In addition to the progress update, I have some implementation related
questions and would appreciate any input. The current moment at which
we run the algorithm for reference count checking, and thereby also
the moment at which we may want to issue
impl_region_model_context::warn, is within region_model::pop_frame.
However, it appears that m_stmt and m_stmt_finder are NULL at the time
of region_model::pop_frame, which results in the diagnostic for the
reference count getting rejected. I am having trouble finding a
workaround for this issue, so any ideas would be welcome.

I am also currently examining some issues related to state merging.
Let's consider the following example which lacks error checking:

PyObject* foo() {
    PyObject item = PyLong_FromLong(10);
    PyObject list = PyList_New(5);
    return list;

The states for when PyLong_FromLong fails and when PyLong_FromLong
succeeds are merged before the call to PyObject* list = PyList_New(5).
I suspect this may be related to me not correctly handling behavior
that arises due to the analyzer deterministically selecting the IDs
for heap allocations. Since there is a heap allocation for PyList_New
following PyLong_FromLong, the success and fail cases for
PyLong_FromLong are merged. I believe this is so that in the scenario
where PyLong_FromLong fails and PyList_New succeeds, the ID for the
region allocated for PyList_New wouldn't be the same as the
PyLong_FromLong success case. Whatever the cause, due to this state
merge, the heap allocated region representing PyObject *item has all
its fields set to UNKNOWN, making it impossible to perform the
reference count checking functionality. I attempted to fix this by
wrapping the svalue representing PyLongObject with
get_or_create_unmergeable, but it didn't seem to help. However, this
issue doesn't occur in all situations. For instance:

PyObject* foo() {
    PyObject item = PyLong_FromLong(10);
    PyObject list = PyList_New(5);
    PyList_Append(list, item);
    return list;

The above scenario is simulated as expected. I will continue to search
for a solution, but any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thank


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