Please tell me where I can read this "spat of
postings" so that I can evaluate them. I guess I have
to change emailaddress (not difficult) and name (more
difficult) after this stuff. I never typed so much in
a short time!

--- Steve Kargl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sun, Jun 25, 2006 at 05:16:37PM -0700, Alexander
> Verhaeghe wrote:
> > Always threatening, you're even worse than
> > Microsoft...
> > Once again "Free as in Freedom", how dare you to
> use
> > this? Please don't forget to mention that you want
> to
> > rip me off $300!
> > 
> Alexander the email you requested removed at this
> link
> was written by me.  You have no right to ask for my
> post
> to be removed.  In viewing the above link, you will
> find
> "On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 04:21:19PM -0700, Alexander
> Verhaeghe wrote:"
> There is no email address at that link.
> It is however interesting to read your posts to
> Lahey and
> Microsoft forums.  
> I suspect your recent spat of postings here has
> earned
> you many killfile entries.  
> -- 
> Steve

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