Ling-hua Tseng escreveu:
Since the sub-expression `&print' is not a call expression,
the overload resolution mechanism will not select the non-template version first.

&print is not a call expression the same way &print<5> isn't, but the latter is resolved correctly.

And the function templates can be instantiated without <>,
so the C++ compiler is confused.

I cannot see how a template function can be instantiated without <>, since its instantiation needs the template parameters. That's why I think that the compiler shouldn't even consider this situation in overload resolution. With this said, in your exemple the only overload for '&foo' should be 'void foo()'.

void foo() { }
template<class T> void foo() { }

int main()

It can help you to understand what's happend.

Yes, thank you, your example is much more concise.

Rodolfo Lima.

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