
A little background:

Some time ago, Richard Guenther proposed that GCC imports libm math library from libc sources, but this proposal went nowhere, mostly due to non-technical reasons. At the time, the idea was that having a local math library, we could implement high-performance math library that will use SSE instructions with x86_64-like register passing convention also on i686-class 32bit targets. Since then, x86_64 gained soft-float 128bit support, but there was no 128bit libm available to fully exploit the potential of this high-precision infrastructure.

The proposal:

Forwarded is a short discussion with Mr. de Dinechin (forwarded with permission), where the possibility to import crlibm as the default gcc math library is discussed. I would like to ask members of the GCC SC for the opinion on the idea of adopting crlibm as the default math library. This way, the library can be compiled using all knowledge that gcc has about the target processor. As hinted in the attached message - autovectorization and perhaps recently introduced fixed-point infrastructure can be used effectively in the implementation of this library, as well as new AMD's FMA instructions.

The conclusion:

I think that including active maintained high-accuracy math library in GCC would be an important step to use GCC as a high-performance compiler in FP intensive applications.


---forwarded message---


We are very interested. Actually we are more and more working on automatic generation of libm functions, as opposed to writing the functions themselves. See
for a recent overview of what we have.
So our research direction is clearly towards compilers, not libraries.

However the development workforce is now reduced to one third-year PhD student (Christoph) and one lecturer (myself), both of whom work part-time on crlibm-related research. It is a small workforce for such a wide project. Do you think there could be some way to involve more people, or fund a post-doc or an engineer?

This was the political answer. More technical comments and issues below.

Uros Bizjak a écrit :

GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) community is looking to include a libm library as a part of gcc support library in future releases of gcc. This way, we plan to introduce certain optimizations and enhancement in FP intensive code, that can be achieved only by tightly coupling the compiler and high-performance libm implementation.

We totally agree. For the kind of optimizations related to scheduling, such as loop pipelining etc, we have little competence, however we are very interested in more arithmetic optimizations, such as expression fusing, compile-time generation of optimized polynomial approximations, sharing argument reduction for sin and cos of the same value, etc. Actually we would like to know what static information gcc would currently be able to provide to a floating-point optimizer.

Some time ago, there was an offer from your side [1] to gradually include crlibm in glibc [1]. We think, that more appropriate place for this library could be directly in the compiler infrastructure, so all supported targets can automatically inherit the capabilities of crlibm (newlib and uClinux targets, for example).


In addition to target-dependant optimizations that can be achieved by coupling crlibm and the compiler, such as:

a) usage of target processor specific instructions (cmove, FMA) and instruction sets (SSEn)
b) optimal scheduling of the instructions for certain processor
c) various target microoptimizations

Yes to all.

On one hand, CRLibm can be retargetted relatively easily. It already uses macros for the FMA which accelerate it on PowerPC and IA64 for instance, and it was written with sufficient dataparallelism to enable SSE usage, although current gcc doesn't seem to be able to exploit it (hint).
However it will never be efficient on targets without an FPU, for instance.

On the other hand, we are prototyping the automatic implementation of libm functions. It is based on the Sollya tool
Although Sollya was never intended to be included in a compiler, it can be used to generate target-specific code. It still needs quite a lot of development, though.

gcc currently provides the full infrastructure for soft-FP 128bit long double values on a mainstream processor (x86_64). Current libm implementation doesn't use this infrastructure, and there are no plans to do so. Unfortunately, this locks out important segment of users (fluid dynamics) that would benefit greatly from increased precision; both from correct libm implementation and from increased bit widths.

There are two issues here. The first is using 128-bit FP to provide 64-bit FP correctly rounded elementary functions. This is possible, but probably less efficient than the current approach in CRLibm (using double-double and triple-double).

The second is developping a 128-bit libm, either using soft 128 bit FP, or in an ad-hoc way (using combinations of double, double-double, triple-double, etc, or going fixed-point, whichever proves more efficient). Again, we favor the ad-hoc way, and Sollya can be used for that, too. Again at the cost of some development, but this is something that interests us.

I would like to establish "first contact" to kindly ask you what is your opinion about including your library as a default math library into gcc sources, before posting formal proposal to gcc@ mailing list. I think that both, gcc and crlibm could benefit from using your library as a default math library in gcc compiler.

We totally agree. Note that there should be no problem with copyright transfers.

Incidentally, would there be a possibility of physically meeting somewhere in Europe?

   Florent and Christoph

[1] http://sources.redhat.com/ml/libc-alpha/2007-02/msg00007.html

Looking forward to hearing from you,

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