On Nov 18, 2007 8:32 PM, Kaveh R. GHAZI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Nov 2007, Steven Bosscher wrote:
> > 2. But *I will not work on it* now (or ask help from others) if it is *a
> > priori* not acceptable for stage 3.
> As I parse your sentence, you were asking if your patch would be
> automatically (a priori) rejected for stage3.  If I say it may be
> acceptable, that means the rejection is not presumptively automatic.
> Therefore IMHO, I answered your question in an affirmative way.

The way I read your answer, you were asking for more than the "risky"
stuff.  A simple yes or no would have been sufficient.

> OTOH, I don't think final acceptance of your patch is guaranteed either,
> without the same analysis we ask of any contributor.

I don't understand why you keep repeating this. I'm not stupid, I'm
not exactly new to contributing to gcc (been working on it for more
than 7 years, in fact), and I never asked for special treatment.  I
know what I have to do to make a patch acceptable.  But, again,
approval of the patch was not what I was asking for.


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