From: "Daniel Berlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 14:08:41 -0500

> So I tried a full history conversion using git-svn of the gcc
> repository (IE every trunk revision from 1-HEAD as of yesterday)
> The git-svn import was done using repacks every 1000 revisions.
> After it finished, I used git-gc --aggressive --prune.  Two hours
> later, it finished.
> The final size after this is 1.5 gig for all of the history of gcc for
> just trunk.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/compilerstuff/gitgcc/gccrepo/.git/objects/pack$ ls -trl
> total 1568899
> -r--r--r-- 1 dberlin dberlin 1585972834 2007-12-05 14:01
> pack-cd328fcf0bd673d8f2f72c42fbe67da64cbcd218.pack
> -r--r--r-- 1 dberlin dberlin   19008488 2007-12-05 14:01
> pack-cd328fcf0bd673d8f2f72c42fbe67da64cbcd218.idx
> This is 3x bigger than hg *and* hg doesn't require me to waste my life
> repacking every so often.
> The hg operations run roughly as fast as the git ones
> I'm sure there are magic options, magic command lines, etc, i could
> use to make it smaller.
> I'm sure if i spent the next few weeks fucking around with git, it may
> even be usable!
> But given that git is harder to use, requires manual repacking to get
> any kind of sane space usage, and is 3x bigger anyway, i don't see any
> advantage to continuing to experiment with git and gcc.

I would really appreciate it if you would share experiences
like this with the GIT community, who have been now CC:'d.

That's the only way this situation is going to improve.

When you don't CC: the people who can fix the problem, I can only
speculate that perhaps at least subconsciously you don't care if
the situation improves or not.

The OpenSolaris folks behaved similarly, and that really ticked me

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