On 22 January 2008 14:06, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:

> I agree that weighing the user base doesn't make any practical sense.
> But I can't understand the reason for removing something that works
> fine because it may rot in the future. 

  It's particularly with the lack of test results that that situation becomes
a problem.  It's not about "removing something that works fine because it may
rot in the future" _as such_; it's about removing something that we don't even
know if it works or not, because in the absence of test results we will not
notice when that hypothetical future-when-it-doesn't-work becomes "now".

> I understand that if you don't
> get test results then you may assume there are no users. 

  No, I don't think we can assume that; I think we can only infer that, if we
see no testresults, there are no /developers/.

> But if you get test results and they are fairly clean?

  Well, we'll cross that bridge *if* we come to it, but, as Joseph points out,
there haven't been any test results in over a year.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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