Robert Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I know it's a bit late, but I just thought that it'd be really nice if GCC
> had a C# frontend.  I don't have time to do this myself right now (although
> I'm willing to work on it in the future if noone beats me to it), but maybe
> someone would pick it if it enters GSoC.
> My motivation for this is technical but also political (using the GPLv3 to put
> a stop to the patent-encumberance issues surrounding Mono).
> Are proposals welcome?  If you like, I can ellaborate on it and add it to the
> wiki page.

Proposals for gcc extensions are always welcome.  A C# frontend would
be interesting, though there might be some patent considerations.
However, I think a C# frontend would be too much work for one student
during the summer.


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