On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, Dave Korn wrote:
>>> I was looking for GCC 3.3.3 just now, and noticed that it doesn't
>>> exist on the generic GNU FTP server or its mirrors
>>> (ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc for example).  3.3.2 and 3.3.4 are there,
>>> as well as lots of other releases, but 3.3.3 is mysteriously missing.
>> I looked too and was curious about the 'releases' subdirectory. There
>> was that 'gcc-3.3.3' fully alone...
> I have a vague memory of something getting out of sync between 
> gnu.gcc.org (aka sourceware) and ftp.gnu.org a few years back.

gcc.gnu.org and ftp.gnu.org are not directly synced in any way that I'd
be aware of.

Anything on gcc.gnu.org I can fix myself; for ftp.gnu.org I just went 
ahead and contacted the respective maintainers to resolve this.


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