Sylvain Pion wrote:
> Joseph S. Myers wrote:
>> On Mon, 9 Mar 2009, Sylvain Pion wrote:
>>> Later, 1) started to be taken care of, and it was unfortunately
>>> added under the control of the same -frounding-math option.
>>> Which now, makes it harder to come back, since we want different
>>> defaults for these two aspects.
>>> I have already mentioned in a bugzilla PR that it could be nice
>>> to have 2 options, but IIRC, I did not get any reply to this.
>> Patches to split the option into two *clearly-defined* options are
>> more likely to be accepted than changing the defaults, given that the
>> fast-math and related flags have been split more than once before.
> My goal is to have interval arithmetic work with the default flags,
> without more workarounds in the code (and as efficiently as possible).
> So, I'm not going to work on anything if it means only splitting it
> in separate flags, if we don't agree a priori on changing the default
> for at least one of those sub flags after that.

We know that's what you want.  What we don't know (well, what I don't
know) is *why*.  If you want to do something as specialized as interval
arithmetic, what's the big deal with having to pass special flags to
the compiler?


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