On 23 Mar 2009, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

> > Could someone at FSF, directly or through the SC, be kind enough to
> > explain in plain English for non-native speakers why it was so urgent
> > to disrupt the release process for a licence exception.
> I don't think any of us know.  You would have to ask the FSF. They don't
> read this mailing list.
> But, please don't ask.  At least not until this is all settled.  It will
> just delay the process of working it out.


Thanks for the answer.  How can it be compatible with the following from:

> BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- Tuesday, January 27, 2009 -- Today the Free
>                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Software Foundation (FSF), together with the GCC Steering Committee and the
>                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Software Freedom Law Center, announced the release of a new GCC Runtime
> Library Exception.  This license exception will allow the entire GCC
> codebase to be upgraded to GPLv3, and enable the development of a plugin
> framework for GCC.
> ...

Note that it is dated almost two months ago. What are we waiting for?
How can the GCC Steering Committee ignore what are the issues?


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