On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 10:54:06AM -0700, Adam Nemet wrote:
> Andrew Haley <a...@redhat.com> writes:
> > We need something more like "I think Fred Bloggs knows gcc well enough
> > to approve patches to reload" or "I am Fred Bloggs and I know gcc well
> > enough to approve patches to reload."
> And whom should such email be sent to?  The SC is best reached on gcc@
> but I don't think that recommending someone publicly is necessarly a
> good idea.  E.g. what if the SC does not appoint the person; does that
> mean that the SC decided that he or she was not qualified enough?

> IMO the best way would be to nominate someone to the SC directly and
> then if the SC decides to support the nomination they can check with the
> person if he or she would accept the appointment.

You could contact any SC member by private mail if you think the topic
is too sensitive to discuss in public.  It would work best to pick an
SC member who is familiar with the nominee's work (and we'd have to
know that Fred Bloggs wants the job).

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