
I recently completed my degree project on LTH on retargeting GCC. See http://sam.cs.lth.se/ExjobGetFile?id=224 for my report (it will be moved to http://cs.lth.se/examensarbete/rapporter/rapporter_2010/ soon).

Even though I was aiming for a DSP architecture, I wrote down some things that concluded my experiences during the project. When setting out, I was completely new to GCC internals. I also found the Bombay links quite useful.

Good luck,

Jonas Paulsson
LTH, Sweden

----- Original Message ----- From: "Radu Hobincu" <radu.hobi...@arh.pub.ro>
To: <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
Cc: "Vali Codreanu" <vali.codre...@arh.pub.ro>; "Petronela Agache" <petronela.sil...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:53 AM
Subject: GCC porting tutorials


My name is Radu Hobincu, I am part of a team at "Politehnica" University
of Bucharest that is developing a massive parallel computing architecture
and currently my job is to port the GCC compiler to this new machine.

I've been looking over the GCC official site at http://gcc.gnu.org/ but I
couldn't find an official porting tutorial. Is there such a thing? And
maybe a small example for a lightweight architecture?


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