DJ Delorie <> writes:

> My suggestions:
>  * When it is appropriate to use a child class with virtual functions,
>    the virtual functions should all be declared as protected in the
>    parent class.
> At first reading, I thought you meant "all virtual functions should be
> protected", but I think you meant "if a child ADDS a virtual function
> that the parent doesn't have, ...", but in that case I don't see why the
> parent needs a declaration at all.  This should be clarified.

I did mean that all virtual functions should be protected.  I tried to
clarify the wiki page.

>  * Namespaces
> In general, I don't like namespaces, unless you're defining a package.
> Class names create their own name spaces, globals should be global, etc.
> Saying "everything should be in a namespace" is IMHO an inappropriate
> restriction.  Indicate where namespaces are appropriate, leave it at
> that.

The proposal doesn't say that everything should be in a namespace; it
says that namespaces are permitted.  I continue to think that is
appropriate.  I agree that globals should be global.  However, GCC is
a big package which can be naturally divided into modules.  For
example, GIMPLE code should not normally call RTL functions.  Putting
the RTL functions in a namespace would make it clear when something is
reaching across a module boundary.  Of course there are other ways to
do this as well, but my point is that "global is global" is not
necessary a well-defined concept in a big program.  Some names are
global to parts of the program but not to others.

>  * All data members should be private.
>  * All data members should have names which end with an underscore.
> This makes all structures illegal.  I'd remove the first "All" and
> replace the second with "Private":

This text only refers to classes.  As the convention says in the
following major bullet, structs are handled as they are today.

>  * When a method refers to a non-static data member, it should always
>    qualify the reference with this->.
> I'm very opposed to this.  To me, it makes the code less readable
> because it lets the author write code that's hard to understand at a
> larger scope.  I would forbid explicit references to "this" except to
> pass it unadorned as a parameter to some other function.  If it's not
> clear where method call data comes from, write clearer code!
> If you're implementing a class, it should be clear you're implementing a
> class, and implied that data/methods come from the class unless
> specified otherwise (which you'd have to do anyway, like foo->reg_p()).
> If it's not clear, you've not properly encapsulated the class and you
> need to redesign it so it *is* properly contained and easy to
> understand.
> If you're not implementing a class, you'd never use "this" anyway.
> DJ never refers to himself in the third person, I don't see why his code
> should.

Our current code always uses the equivalent of an explicit this
pointer, except that it is called something else.  Therefore I would
argue that this is not new.  I don't see why using an explicit this->
makes code harder to understand in a larger scope; the explicit this->
makes it very clear where data is coming from.

The biggest need for this-> is when calling methods in the current
class if the current class happens to be in a template.  The C++
template namespace lookup rules are confusing.  The explicit this->
makes them clear.  While it's true that most code is not in a
template, it's possible that a template will be added later.

I'm not going to fight to the death on this one, and I would be
interested in hearing other opinions.  I've been using explicit this->
in my own C++ code for many years, and I find that it clarifies rather
than confuses.

>  * use of existing templates, e.g., from the standard library, is fine
> I'd prefer avoiding pulling in STL stuff at first.  I find STL to be
> quite a "culture shock" relative to C.  When used I'd limit it to one
> STL object at a time - avoid containers of lists of vectors of strings,
> etc.

As noted earlier I think we do want to use some STL classes.

> * Local variables should be declared where they're first used, if their
>   use is contiguous and localized.  If they're ubiquitous (like a return
>   value temporary) or reused later (like "i" for for-loop iterators),
>   declare them at the beginning of the function.

Thanks, I added text along these lines.

> * Use C-style comments for multi-line comments, and C++-style comments
>   for single-line comments.

I'm not sure i agree with this, because I don't see anything wrong
with multi-line C++-style comments.


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