> >> I'm not sure i agree with this, because I don't see anything wrong
> >> with multi-line C++-style comments.
> >
> > I'm with Ian on this one. Is there a reason for this, other than
> one's
> > personal tool preference for editing code may make C-style multi-line
> > comments easier to add/remove?
> Anything that makes comments harder to maintain, I'm against.  But
> there's a grey area for 2-5 line comments preceeding a line of code,
> for
> example.  I'd really hate to see 50 lines of formatted paragraphs and
> diagrams, each with "//" at the beginning, when a single /* at the
> beginning and */ at the end would do just as well and avoid decorating
> every single line of what is essentially documentation.

That makes sense, though I can still see it both ways. Sticking with the 
existing C-style comment standard in order to avoid mixed-style comments would 
probably make things the easiest for all the existing developers.

> As for personal tool preference, I prefer emacs, which is one of the
> editors that *can* deal with C++-style block comments, and I still want
> to avoid them.

You've already convinced me, but you originally described a problem where 
emacs' paragraph formatting would incorrectly rearrange multi-line C++ 
comments. Out of personal curiosity, does emacs actually have a bug in this 
regard or not?

> > One thing I disagree with in the wiki is the complete disallowance of
> > multiple inheritance.
> Multiple inheritance is evil.  IMHO class heirarchy reflects an "is-a"
> relationship, and one thing cannot be two things.  It gets worse when
> the two immediate ancestors are derived from a common ancestor, and it
> becomes less obvious which path is taken to get to the common methods
> and data.  If you need to add child-specific intelligence to a method,
> which ancestor's method do you call next to continue processing?  Who
> calls the common ancestor?

Multiple inheritance of behavioral classes should indeed be avoided in pretty 
much every case -- on this I agree. For many who lived through a 
multiple-inheritance apocalypse, the phrase multiple inheritance often becomes 
a sort of a puritanical "bad word". It is more than possible, as I have proven 
in several professional contexts, to use multiple inheritance of pure 
interfaces (along with favoring delegation) as a way to avoid/remove  
duplication of implementation code, duplication of declaration, parallel 
inheritance hierarchies, and inappropriate casting that violates the Liskov 
Substitution Principle.

That being said, you have a very valid point that many people (even those with 
many years of experience with C++) don't have a firm enough grasp of what *not* 
to do with regard to inheritance and object-orientation. As I said in my 
previous message, I would suggest introducing a new warning that trips when a 
class multiply inherits from non-pure virtual classes (not counting empty 
virtual dtors). This would help people be aware of when they inadvertently 
multiple-inherit non-interface classes so they can refactor away from the 
situation. (Typically, by extracting a pure interface class from one of the 
behavioral classes, inheriting from the interface, and delegating to the 
implementation class.) Said warning could also act as an enforcement, just in 
case GCC code reviews happened to miss the situation.

As far as implementing said warning, it seems like the virtual dtor warning 
could be used as the basis for this new warning.

> Once you've seen a heirarchy with dozens if not hundreds of members and
> wild multiple inheritance schemes, you'll understand.

My primary job is helping companies with legacy codebases untangle their often 
completely ridiculous webs of various coding problems. I've lived through the 
nightmare you describe in both massive C++ projects, as well as with the 
practice of "monkey patching" on Ruby projects. I have arrived at the 
recommendation I make from both having to help dig existing teams/companies out 
of holes involving extreme uses of multiple inheritance, but also from creating 
new C++ codebases where a strict single-inheritance policy was adhered to and 
seeing what issues eventually came about from that extreme.

What do you think of a guideline that says "multiple inheritance is discouraged 
in general, but if you think multiple inheritance of pure-virtual (interface) 
classes is better than the alternatives, email the list and/or module 
maintainers for specific guidance"?

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