On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 7:49 AM, Manuel López-Ibáñez
<lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29 June 2010 13:23, NightStrike <nightstr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This whole issue has focussed in a little problem about the final step
>>> (installing bugzilla in sourceware.org), whereas there is so much work
>>> to do before reaching that step, that probably the person that starts
>>> this work won't be the same that finally installs the new bugzilla
>>> version. Take the opportunity that people are paying attention right
>>> now and collect all the information that would be needed for this.
>>> Then you will know if you need a shell account, a cvs account, a
>>> copyright or just someone else to do that part on your behalf (I will
>>> be willing to review and commit stuff).
>> I already did all of that.  I was ready to start actually creating
>> incremental patches.
> So what is stopping you from posting these patches to gcc-patches or
> sending them to the relevant maintainers? I still do not see the need
> for a shell account.
> Manuel.

I think I've gotten a pretty good indication of what THAT would be
like.  But even then, I need a place to test the changes against the
db, and further, a place to make changes to said db.

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