NightStrike <> writes:

> It's not just present on "social community" sites.  Look at the
> entirety of sourceforge.  That's quite a large respository of free
> software, and yet it consists 100% of fake-named people (and please
> understand what I mean by that.)  It's even a place where projects get
> tons of donations, and yet these people are completely anonymous.
> I've received donations myself through SF, even from not just one, but
> several very large corporations -- one of which you wouldn't believe
> if I showed you the proof.

It is quite true that gcc operates by different rules.  We've
established that you can contribute patches to gcc under a pseudonym,
but the FSF does require that you reveal your name to them.  The FSF
requirements are widely recognized as an obstacle to contributing to
gcc.  However, there are good reasons for requiring a paper trail, and
those reasons are based on events that actually happened, not merely on
theory.  I would like to change things too, but, because of that
history, saying "other projects do it this way" is not a sufficient
argument for change.


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