On 06/18/11 11:41 PM, Steve Kargl wrote:
Good luck with that endeavor.  After the gfortran fork,
a certain individual would routinely obfusicate the code
in one of the repositories via gratuitious code motion,
varaible renaming, and whitespace munging.  This was an
attempt to neutered diff.  This same individual did not
include a ChangeLog along with the code, which again made
it difficult to understand what and why code was changed.
Finally, note I use the word repository here rather loosely
because one repository became hidden and only snapshot
tarballs were released.
Lets not beat up Andy on this at all, ok? I want to put all this shit behind us and possibly work together.
So what I'm looking at and comparing has nothing to with him at all in fact. It's the last commit from Paul in the g95 tree to the 1st commit from Paul in the gcc-g95 tree. Those should imho be equivalent, but they aren't. If the additional files were from Paul it wouldn't be interesting at all, but they aren't and I want to know who/where/what on them.

"We" (PathScale) have to be *very* careful with the code we're working with. If we can't trace the history back on a file it may mean we need to write it from scratch unfortunately. (This is worst case of course)

I'm not trying to be a troll here for the record. I'm honestly (against my will) trying to vet every line and where it came from.

After this I'd like to open a discussion about how to work together and see if we can build a really strong Fortran community.

(By working together I don't mean just PathScale, but a broader audience of possible contributors/testers/etc)

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