On 14/07/2011 12:42, Romain Geissler wrote:
At that time i didn't know you were working on Melt, and for now the few things 
i know about it is that it's mainly abut hooking the pass manager (or am i 
wrong ?) So all those useful events like PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE or 
PLUGIN_FINISH_TYPE don't seems to be catchable through the Melt API (again, i'm 
maybe wrong, but if not it should be easy to add that feature to Melt).
Yeah, first use of MELT is to add new passes, however we have some others hooks, for exemple I already added a hook to use pragma in MELT. I am going to add a hook for PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE in the MELT API. I saw your mail about pushing PLUGIN_FINISH_TYPE hook in the trunk, that will be very usefull for both MELT and plugins in a general sense.

I have seen you were correcting things in the MELT build system, that is not easy I think.... Is it working ? Take me (and Basile) informed. From my system, it looks melt-sources directory is not correctly installed, moreover, I am not sure that meltgc_make_load_melt_module (in melt-runtime.c) search correctly this source (for exemple I can't understand why we try to find them in temporary directory).

Basile Starynkevitch does not work this week (normally), however, I am sure, he will help us when he came back.

Pierre Vittet

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