i'm an amateur programmer that just started learning C. i like most of the 
features, specially the c preprocessor that it comes packed with. it's an 
extremely portable way of implementing metaprogramming in C.

though i've always thought it lacked a single feature -- an "evaluation" 

say i have these definitions:
#define MACRO_1               (x/y)*y
#define MACRO_2               sqrt(a)
#define MACRO_3               calc13()
#define MACRO_15         (a + b)/c

now, all throughout the codebase, whenever and whichever of MACRO_1, or MACRO_2 
(or so forth) needs to be called, they are conveniently "indexed" by another 
macro expansion:

#define CONCAT(a, b)                  a##b
#define CONCAT_VAR(a, b)           CONCAT(a, b)


now, if we use MASTER_MACRO with a "direct" value:

#define N              10
both will work.

but substitute this with:

#define N                                    ((5*a)/c + (10*b)/c + ((5*a) % c + 
(10*b) % c)/c)

and MASTER_MACRO expands to:
MACRO_((5*a)/c + (10*b)/c + ((5*a) % c + (10*b) % c)/c)

which, of course is wrong.
there are other workarounds or many times this scheme can be avoided altogether.
but it can be made to work (elegantly) by adding an "eval" preprocessor 

so we redefine MASTER_MACRO this way:
#define MASTER_MACRO(N)         CONCAT_VAR(MACRO_, eval(N))
which evaluates correctly.

this nifty trick (though a bit extended than what i elaborated above) can also 
be used to *finally* have increments and decrements (among others).
since "eval" forces the evaluation of an *arithmetic* expression (for now), it 
will force the evaluation of an expression, then define it to itself.
this will of course trigger a redefinition flag from our beloved preprocessor, 
but the defined effect would be:

#define X             (((14*x)/y)/z)    /* say this evaluates to simply 3 */

incrementing X, will simply be:
#define X             eval(eval(X) + 1)    /* 1) will be evaluated as 4 before 
any token substitution */
#define X             eval(eval(X) + 1)    /* 2) will be evaluated as 5 before 
any token substitution */

that easy.

to suppress the redef warnings, we can have another directive like force_redef 
(which can only work in conjunction with eval)
#force_redef  X             eval(eval(X) + 1)

i'm just confused :-S...
why hasn't this been suggested? i would love to have this incorporated (even 
just on test builds) to gcc.
it would make my code so, so much more manageable and virtually extensible to 
more platforms.

i would love to have a go at it and probably modify the gcc preprocessor, but i 
since i know nothing of it's implementation details, i don't know where to 
begin. i was hoping that this being a gnu implementation, it's been heavily 
modularized (the fact that gcc was heavily revised back then to use abstract 
syntax trees, gimple, etc, past version 2.95 -- ???). so i can easily 
"interrupt" the parsing operation (i wouldn't dare implement a 
pre-preprocessing operation, being big and redundant), then substitute the 
eval, then make the whole prasing go again.

any advice for a novice? thnx.

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