On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Basile Starynkevitch
<bas...@starynkevitch.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:24:40AM -0800, Lawrence Crowl wrote:
> [....]
>> >> All of these functions come in two forms.
>> >>
>> >>      function (FILE *, item_to_dump, formatting)
>> >>      function (item_to_dump, formatting)
> Since we have switched to C++, it would be really nice to have dump functions
> writing to a C++ std::ostream

I'm not sure what to think about using streams.  I have no great
familiarity with them, so I can't say whether they provide any
concrete advantages over dumping to FILE objects.  Additionally, the
rest of the compiler uses FILE objects for I/O.  How do the two stay
in sync?


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