On 2013-01-16 12:47:46 +0100, Mischa Baars wrote:
> On 01/16/2013 12:07 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
> >Comparisons with NaN don't terminate a statement, and they don't
> >return a NaN.  They return a boolean.
> They shouldn't return anything, the comparison should be terminated.

This depends on the comparison and the context. You have quiet and
signaling comparisons. != and == are quiet comparisons: they never
generate an exception on quiet NaN operands. <, <=, >=, > are
signaling comparisons: they generate an exception on quiet NaN
operands; but the comparison will be interrupted only if you trap
the invalid operation exception.

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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