On Wednesday 23 January 2013 01:12 PM, Alec Teal wrote:

So in all seriousness, why GCC? I suppose the volume of LLVM/Clang stuff
saying how great it is is misleading? Please link GCCs half or write a
good few pages on it please. This is serious I'd love to read it and
know more of how the two differ. I fear this coming across as sarcastic
but really no, I'd love to read such a thing.

LLVM is far easier to understand and use but perhaps not as extensive and comprehensive.

BTW I plan to get involved, I'm new, GCC is massive....

Please visit http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/grc/ and look at the training material (eg. http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/grc/gcc-workshop-12/index.php?page=slides).

I think we need to come out of the "documentation" mindset. No amount of conventional documentation is going to help. What we need is a training material that included well defined assignments.


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