On 13/02/13 13:47, Diego Novillo wrote:

I feel silly now, why not use .cpp? SVN's move not good enough?
(or is it just because no one could be bothered?)
The latter.  Perhaps we should start renaming the files.  It will help
with this confusion and it will also be useful for tools like editors
and such.

Richi, should we wait for stage 1 to re-open to do a round of mass renames?


I'm at a computer now!

A few questions, what is this stage 1? (link to documentation please, or a descriptive answer).

for the choice of file extension, this is really a tiny thing, but I do have a reason for .cpp
So I have done some research :P

I wouldn't go as far as to change header-file extensions because that's clear from the context and most tools now (read: Doxygen) are quite happy with .h being a c++ header file.

I like .cpp because it's what I learned, "see-pee-pee" seems to be a natural short-hand of "see-plus-plus" and "see-see" just brings to mind carbon-copying. I am also used to seeing extensions that make sense, ".py" for python, ".php" for php why not go with this.

The last reason is a reason but it's quite a null one. Seeing .cpp files makes them feel more accessible when first meeting them, that hesitation when seeing .cc or .C (I've never seen c++ as an extension) just makes it feel either "old-skool" and created by people from before my time (not accessible, daunting in fact) or not nice to glance over because of that thought in the .cc part (this could be a dyslexic thing.... it doesn't help!), conversely any confident person would not be deterred by such silly reasons (even though I know they're silly, I still feel them) and thus to them it doesn't matter.

I'm also thinking of re-writing the C++ parser there are some interesting todos (using lookahead rather than "try the next option") it's a topic I enjoy and something I could (probably) do, especially given a working version already. thoughts and feelings on that real quick?

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